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Test Report

General Infomation
Testosterone Propionate is the shortest estered Testosterone preparation available on the market currently. Its anabolic activity is equal to its androgenic activity and it is a comparatively much faster acting than other Testosterone esters. Testosterone Propionate has a short half life and is active in the system only a day after injection. It is a powerful mass drug, capable of producing rapid gains in size and strength.
Testosterone Propionate was the first androgenic steroid to be synthesized. Bodybuilders and athletes find it to be effective in gaining body mass and maintaining the body muscles during the cutting period. In essence Testosterone expands the nitrogen retentive properties of body tissues and assists to protein synthesis in the body tissues. Testosterone Propionate also increases the effect of IGF 1 on the muscle tissues that results in the creation of new muscle fibbers growth or existent muscle fibbers strengthening. Testosterone Propionate also has the capacity to increase the activity of satellite cells.
Dosages and Usages
Testosterone Propionate is generally administered (at least) every third day. The drug is administrated in shoulder, arms, buttock, region on right upper side of buttocks and chest region. Testosterone Propionate dosage is 50-200 mg daily for men and a much lower dose: 25-50 mg daily for women. The injections should also be administrated much more rarely by women (every 5-7 days). The Testosterone Propionate cycles in the body should be carefully planned to avoid the fluctuation of blood pressure. The most common combinations in using Testosterone Propionate are with antiestrogens Nolvadex and Proviron, and products like with Dianabol and Deca-Durabolin for achievement of bulking effect. Combination with Halotestin should have more extreme effect on subcutaneous body fat and muscle hardness.
Side Effects
The masculinization side effects among women may occur if not sticking to lower dosages. Since many of these effects can be irreversible, it is very important for the female athlete to monitor the dosage, duration and incidence of side effects very closely. Users of Testosterone Propionate often complain of injection site irritation and swelling, In case of Propionate the side effects occur less frequently than in case of Enanthate and Cypionate usage, but if high dosages are taken, the known side effects such as acne, hair loss and increased body hair can occur.
during this treatment I had good congestion and a lot of strength, I felt good all along.
I took 4 kg of muscles, I was very skinned.
a little pip when injecting testosterone propionate.
I went from 14% to 10% fat.
Product stength is what its says it is very legit