I’d like to review my experiences buying Slected’s Trenbolone Enanthate 200mg/mL. I’ve been using this with ULTIMA’s TestMix250. Weekly, I’ve been doing 500 test & about 120 tren. I split shots Mon/Fri (250 test + 60 tren) The tren, even mixed with the test, BURNS LIKE A MOTHER!! So I know it’s real!! Going on my 2nd week now (3 shots down). Insomnia is officially kicking in. Sad Along with all day hunger. And being overly aggressive for no reasons whatsoever. Physique is definitely beginning to harden up again. Sugar tits are beginning to round out. Belly fat is NOTICEABLY flattening out. NOW, if only I could sleep!!
I’d like to review my experiences buying Slected’sTrenbolone Enanthate 200mg/mL. I’ve been using this with ULTIMA’s TestMix250. Weekly, I’ve been doing 500 test & about 120 tren. I split shots Mon/Fri (250 test + 60 tren) The tren, even mixed with the test, BURNS LIKE A MOTHER!! So I know it’s real!! Going on my 2nd week now (3 shots down). Insomnia is officially kicking in. Sad Along with all day hunger. And being overly aggressive for no reasons whatsoever. Physique is definitely beginning to harden up again. Sugar tits are beginning to round out. Belly fat is NOTICEABLY flattening out. NOW, if only I could sleep!!
I’d like to review my experiences buying Slected’sTrenbolone Enanthate 200mg/mL. I’ve been using this with ULTIMA’s TestMix250. Weekly, I’ve been doing 500 test & about 120 tren. I split shots Mon/Fri (250 test + 60 tren) The tren, even mixed with the test, BURNS LIKE A MOTHER!! So I know it’s real!! Going on my 2nd week now (3 shots down). Insomnia is officially kicking in. Sad Along with all day hunger. And being overly aggressive for no reasons whatsoever. Physique is definitely beginning to harden up again. Sugar tits are beginning to round out. Belly fat is NOTICEABLY flattening out. NOW, if only I could sleep!!
Test c /250
Results were as expected, vials were filled properly, crimped tight, clear oil, smooth draws, and no pip. Overall a 17lb solid gain at 750/mg a week.
ran the Test C at 500mg/wk, by week 4 I noticed water retention around the mid section. I upped my Adex from 1mg to 2mg a week. By week 6 bloat started to minimize and was almost gone by week 7. Had lab tests done at the end of week 6. I took 1mg of Adex prior to my test, estradiol was in range at 23 (< or =29). I made a mistake and ordered a testosterone test that was capped at >3K, I estimate I was around 3500-4000 ng/dl.
Ordered the Selected tri tren and the test 250 the tren was very strong and my strength went through the roof aggression in and out of the gym unfortunately the sides were to much for me I was constantly sweating and feeling anxious for no reason so I had to drop this at week 7 of using 300 mg per week this stuff is really for people who can handle strong sides but the product is the real deal believe me the test I took at 450mg per week split into two injections and got all the usual signs of good test enhanced mood healthy libido there was no pip with either of these products felt lots of energy just a pity I had to drop the tren it's just not for me I've tried tren in the past and managed to ride it out but this stuff is different beast
Used at 500mg per week, very good quality test, very light, clear oil and very smooth and thin, can't remember last time I used an oil that flowed so easily. Got good results did what you'd expect this dose of test to do, made me full and hungry and strong, some water retention which a bit of adex sorted out quickly.
TEST C 250: It works!! Used 1/2cc to my deltoid. Felted the testosterone pretty damn instantly. A little sore the next day, no PIP really. Was able to workout upper body within 48hrs no problem.
Winstrol25: Someone recently suggested that I dissolve my oral steroids under my tongue. I decided to try it with 1/2 tab of Winstrol25 (12.5mg). GOOD LORD… Instantaneous stanozolol!! Definitely a different feel all together. But one thing is for sure — this product is good-to-go however I decide to use it in the future.
This is for my last promo I participated awhile back. And might possibly be for my last run with Tren, as my age keeps creeping up (now 40) I think it’s time to hang up the Tren hat.
3 x Tren A 100 -
This stuff is the real deal, strength up, pain is subdued, increased pump, heavy sweats in the gym (I don’t get night sweats any more) and that Tren look that is distinct as long as you keep your training and diet right.
I really love running Tren and hit hard at 50mg EOD but the curse of my increased age unfortunately might have me swear it off for good.
The biggest issue for me is I have a runaway increase in resting HR when I’m on real Tren and this was no exception. While I don’t experience any real noticeable sides, my smart watch showing resting at 103 while I’m laying in bed is a bit worrisome… I’m typically 65-70s at rest. This not the first Tren brew I’ve had this issue with. AND This is on Telmstartan and nebviloll.
24 days from the day I placed the order until touchdown. Outside, the envelope looked more like an EBay item than what it really was. Inside, was perfection!
Purchased winstrol and nandrolone products
I have also used such products from other companies
But from this source and the products of this brand really impressed me
The quality is very good
I was really pleased with the products
Npp has saved my joints from the strain and pain I had from heavy weights
Whereas Winstrol on oil gave me a very dry appearance and vascularity and some strength
sometimes it was a bit painful but not always
The results I got on these were very satisfactory
Customer Reviews (337)
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