First pin of test e was a month back and starting to feel it kicking in now. My back and face are tell tale signs as acne is starting to show. Shows it's good stuff to me. Test e @ 600mg /wk 2 pins weekly
I took the Dbol 3 x a day, for a month, at a 15mg tab in the morning, a 15mg tab mid day, and a 15mg tab before bedtime. I thought this stuff worked great with the Test Prop I was running with it. My strength went through the roof. I cant think of an exercise that didn't go up in weight, while was running the Dbol. All of the reviews I read about Dbol had been confirmed. I felt like a beast, mentally and physically. I had some nice size and strength gains for the month long run. My mood felt improved and I confidently walked around with a positive attitude.
Product quality is great. The tablets are well made and do the trick. I have been using anywhere from 20-40mg pre-workout for the past few weeks and the results have been up to par. Pumps and strength are excellent.
I ordered 4 vials of Enantat 250. I've been cruising on this test for a little more than a month. It's a little stronger than the gear I was using previously. I had been running a cruise dose of 150 mg ( .5 ml) every 5 days. That works out to about 210 mg per week. I felt pretty normal on this dose, felt like a typical cruise dose. I got bloods done that showed this to be dosed at or above it's claimed mg/ml. I pinned 150mg one day early due to some traveling I was doing, so that it was only 4 days between 150mg pins. I did bloods the next day and saw over 2600 ng/dl of test... and elevated E2 as well. I've since dropped my dose down a little, shooting for a level around 1500 ng/dl. Good gear, no pip and a fair price.
Been on test e I ordered for several weeks and results are great (also using home brew tren and my sex drive is through the roof which means the test is 100% legit).
Used the Test Prop in with the Test E to bring my test back up quickly after a two week holiday with no gear when the Test E levels would have very low to continue cycle. No PIP with either. Codes checked out.
Just pinned the last of my test and now going on to test P for the end of cycle in a few days. This test IS TOP NOTCH and would recommend it to anyone wanting a properly good pharma grade test
I just started the clen I received. I took one 40 microgram pill this morning and its doing all that it should. Feeling jittery with slight hand tremors but nothing too bad. I sweat my balls off in this mornings training session. I am excited to see the end results. From what I've read and researched Im going to try to gradually increase my dosage and do the two weeks on two weeks off cycle.
i cant wait to use this again. like i said in a previous post. this stuff is great from Bonvari. i gained strength and size. great pumps. i gained 8 pounds but that is due to the fact that i box. if you ever box you know what kind of cardio that is and the workout. i didnt use anything else except the dbol. at the end of march i will use this with a test. i could only imagine what gains i get. and yes the test will be from Bonvari.
Customer Reviews (337)
US$ 22.00
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US$ 22.00
US$ 19.98
US$ 20.00
US$ 20.00
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US$ 60.00
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US$ 22.00
US$ 9.90
US$ 20.00
US$ 40.00
US$ 22.00
US$ 22.00
US$ 9.90
US$ 20.00
US$ 40.00
US$ 30.00