I am 45 5'7 203 lbs at 16% bf (This is what my stats were at,on week 3). I have been on this for a month for trt at .5cc twice a week (150mg total). I added another compound after about 3 weeks. I started working out last month after a 14 year layoff. I dropped 20 pounds in 4 weeks. I stopped after 5 weeks due to my work schedule. I did not have the energy or motivation to start again until this month. I was back to 20% bf. I am doing the same exact workout I did last month. I have held my weight while dropping bf. My diet is not very strict and organized. I don't drink soda and eat junk food often though. I have had morning wood daily which is a change for me. My nighttime libido is quite good also. I have more energy in general. I am shooting it in my outer thigh. I have pip but it is not unbearable. It lasts 3 maybe 4 days. I can only imagine the gains I would make at 500 or 600 mgs a week and a strict diet. Maybe this summer. I am satisfied with my energy and gains so far and will keep this in my regimen.
I was satisfied with Bonvari's EQ but it is not my favorite. I have run 2 brands of EQ both at 600mg a week. With Bonvari I didn't notice much increase in hunger but my cardio did improve. With the other brand my hunger increased, vascularity was crazy and cardio was great. Labs were drawn while running it and it appears to be working.
It has great effect for my gains, but also a lot of sides like water and aggressiveness in me. But i probably have to deal with this, because i feel the product is good and i will reach to the expected result. I use it with Sustanon in my cycle, but soon will take some antiestrogens, before i kill someone
using this for 3 weeks already, @ 30-40mg/day amazing effect, more quality, strength and some fat loss (I do cardio too). Stacked this with testoxyl propionate for 12 weeks.
I can't say anything that hasn't already been said. I'm almost 3 weeks in and this shit is fire! Good strength increase. Definite spike in libido. Up a few pounds. Product is as advertised! I'll be a customer as long as he keeps it up!
I have this stuff although the package looks different but I know something is happening for sure when I take it. If I take just 40mcg, im shaking like crazy and my heart is racing pretty good. I think its definitely legit!!
I'm in week 10 of a 14 week test eq cycle. Am running 500mg E of test and 600mg of eq. So far my weight is up 14 pounds and am looking much more vascular. Starting noticing an increase in appetite around week 4 and started eating anything that wasn't nailed down around week 6. This is my first cycle using running anything other then just test E, and have noticed that with the EQ I am getting more solid gains then I was from test alone. would use again / 10
I placed an order, half thinking this was a scam, but hoping of course it was legit. It is legit! I have not been scammed with the cyt and clen I ordered. They arived in 10 business days and are the real products. In a world where everyone is trying to cheat someone else, it's good to finally get what you paid for. After 2 days I can already feel the clen working.
Excellent provi! Brought the boys back and libido increased. Felt harder in the gym and really helped my mood and feeling of well being. Ran 25mg in the morning and 25mg with dinner.
Personally I BUY every anavar from Bonvari, and I take 50-60mg/day with great results, but only when i'm on a cutting diet: you can see less body fat and more veins while keep muscle. I know that 99% of ugl are underdosed, maybe about 60%. Im running this one for a contest and im very happy.
Customer Reviews (337)
US$ 19.98
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US$ 9.90
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US$ 20.00
US$ 9.90
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US$ 60.00
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US$ 9.90
US$ 40.00
US$ 40.00
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US$ 25.00
US$ 27.00